
Mar 30, 2017

Staying Positive is difficult

I am sitting in the waiting room tapping on my tablet as I hear my name called, I look up and the doctor looking at me. I immediately realized that I was right. I interpreted and read the images correct.  

The doctor leads me to his office and with a very serious tone of voice and the manner and compassionate look I knew!  I tried in a last effort to try to change to subject to tell him about the new nosology and about the papers that were published.

He looked straight though me. He knew what I was doing. I knew what was coming. I had prepared myself, but still it was difficult.  It is not easy to be a patient expert. It is not easy to know so much to be able to diagnose yourself, to be able to interpret your own images. It is even dangerous at times.
Doctors have not taken me serious for years.  Many have seen me, but ignored the most serious complaints refusing to further investigate while I kept saying that I had serious underlying issues.  For the last 6 years, I have been bouncing from one specialist to the other. I have seen several a neuro surgeon, neurologists, orthopedic specialists, revalidation specialist, you name the specialist I have been there.

My right leg, and yes life is so funny, my good leg, has a partial knee prosthesis that has become loose after a couple of years.  My knee luxates around the prosthesis regularly and I have regular infections on the prosthesis which we have been able to contain for now.  The bone is so damaged that no future prosthesis will be possible.  Outlook is very grim with possible amputation.

It took me until two days ago, for a doctor to tell me finally the truth!  All the other doctors just kept sending me away, ‘you are too complex’, no one telling me the truth, no one telling me what is going on.   Sometimes test where made or images ordered, but only in bits and pieces never as a whole.

Ms. Frank, you came to me because you had function loss and it is not between your ears.  You are not crazy.  You have a very serious problem.  Test confirm that also your left arm……………….

Stop. My head started racing in my mind.  I heard the doctor talking. He was talking slow, soothing but calm serious.  I wanted to scream.  My left arm.  I wasn’t prepared for that.  I was not ready for that.  I am not going to lose my left arm yet.  That is why my left arm is luxating, that is why I was falling all the time, I am going paralyzed.  This is going too fast.  I keep my calm, my composure somehow.

I stay calm, I listen to the doctor, I listen while I get a total restriction for driving, SHIT my freedom.  I try to negotiate that I drive with an automatic.  I thank the doctor and I leave numb the cabinet.

I drive home for now a last time until I maybe get once again a special adapted care, hopefully to regain my freedom.

I cry, I scream, I am angry at home oh so angry, WHY the F*** me

31 years ago a drunk driver hit me from behind at high speed while I drove down from a hilltop.  I ended up dangling with my car in a tree and the police looked for my head on the back seat! They thought to find me DEAD!  

I should not have survived that crash. I walked away with minor injuries, everyone was amazed.  A tree branch went over my head, the police thought for sure I was dead decapitated. 

I did not know I had EDS, it probably saved my life because the police found me unconscious in an unnatural position in the front seat.

31 years later I am going paralyzed, I am thankful that I have EDS, it saved my life, the accident must have contributed to the severity of my injuries of my spine, I have many on several positions neck, thoracic and lumbar.  The neck and thoracic are most severe at the moment.

So I have decided to be thankful that I have hEDS, it has been curse but a blessing at the same time!

It will bring many more challenges in life for me, but by trying to stay positive will make quality of life and pain much easier to bear!